
A Utah woman, 58, to give birth to own granddaughter soon

courtesy Salt Lake Tribune/Al Hartmann
A 58-year old Utah grandmother will soon give birth to her first grandchild, a baby girl.  

Julia Navarro is the gestational surrogate carrier for her daughter Lorena McKinnon and son-in-law Micah McKinnon.
The couple had trouble to conceive “naturally” starting three years ago, and went through about a dozen miscarriages when Navarro offered to carry the baby after a sister and friend offered, then backed out.
“As a family, we have to help each other,” Navarro, a Peruvian immigrant,  told The Salt Lake Tribune.””I was praying, ‘If this baby works, I am going to help others.’ “
Navarro underwent 3-months of hormone shots before she could have an embryo fertilized by her daughter, a SkyWest flight attendant and son-in-law. Despite the 45% success odds given Navarro’s advanced age, the procedure work.
And in a few weeks, she’ll be delivering her own grandbaby.
This is not the first time this has happened. 
Last year, a 53-year-old Iowa woman gave birth to her twin granddaughters. And in 2012, a 49-year-old woman in Maine gave birth to her grandson.
Read more about this story in the Salt Lake Tribune. 

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