
National Wear Red Day is Tomorrow – Tips for Managing Stress & fighting Heart Disease in Women

Tomorrow, Friday, February 7   Go Red for Women  to show your support to fight Heart Disease, the No. 1 killer of women in the United States which claims more lives than all forms of cancer. Recent studies also found that cardiac disease in pregnancy is becoming more common.
For over 10 years, the American Heart Association has sponsored National Wear Red Day® to raise awareness in the fight against heart disease in women.
Practically speaking, you can support by educating yourself and your female friends and loved ones on how to stay heart healthy.
There are 4 simple things you can do to improve your chances of living a healthy life and avoiding heart disease:  1) Quit smoking,  2) Get Consistent exercise,  3) Manage your Stress and Eat healthier including more fruits, vegetables, whole grains, low-fat dairy, poultry, fish and nuts,  and avoiding red meat, as well as sugary and processed foods and foods that are high in sodium.
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The Go Red website offers tips for managing stress:

Think ahead
Practicing effective time management is key to lessening stress in the workplace. Jacobs recommends starting projects far ahead of deadlines to guard against scrambling at the last second. Take note of how long tasks or projects take you to complete so you can best manage your own expectations and those of your colleagues. Avoid the stress of being late to meetings by setting your watch five to 10 minutes ahead.

Focus on one thing at a time
Instead of trying to deal with everything at once—answer emails, make calls, organize your desk, finish a report—focus on accomplishing one thing at a time. For example, answer emails for an allotted amount of time, then stop and focus on something else, like the report you need to finish. This helps minimize stress by allowing you to focus on the objective at hand instead of feeling scattered.

Take a break
“We all need to build in rest periods during the day,” Jacobs says. “Working through lunch is a terrible way of managing stress. Try taking 30 to 60 minutes to step away from your desk and decompress. You will come back with a sense of replenishment.”

Adjust your expectations
While it is important to challenge yourself at work, taking on more than you can handle can create a tremendous amount of stress.

“If you have no chance of meeting expectations in the workplace, it can cause feelings of demoralization,” Jacobs says. “Find ways to decrease the demands made upon your self, if that means being less self critical or having a frank conversation with your superior about adjusting your workload.”

Use emergency stress stoppers
Emergency stress stoppers help you deal with stress on the spot. These can be extremely effective in the work environment when you’ve got a lot on your plate, your mind is racing and the stress is mounting. You may need different stress stoppers for different situations and sometimes it helps to combine them.

  • Count to 10 before you speak.
  • Take three to five deep breaths.
  • Ask for time to handle a stressful situation, so you can accomplish it to your liking and on your terms.
  • Go for a walk.
  • Don’t be afraid to say, “I’m sorry,” if you make a mistake.

If you shop at Party City stores nationwide, from  February 2nd through March 1, 2014, it will collect $1, $3 and $5 donations from customers in stores with all proceeds raised to be donated to Go Red For Women.

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