
Review: Get in Pre-Pregnancy Shape and a Dancer’s Body with Ballet Body DVD series

As most people know, the abdominal area is the area of a woman’s body that is THE hardest to return to pre-pregnancy shape. A lot of women suffer from a condition called distastes recti when pregnant which involves a separation of the two segments of the abdominal muscle area as the uterus grows.

Ideally, the abdomnial wall would stay intact and the uterus would grow behind it. Women who have this effect have an even tougher time at getting their tummy back in tip top shape.

I had it and each time I was pregnant I was I could always rely on Pilates to help me get my body back into shape to counter the effects of this condition. Pilates and Ballet are great because they are low-impact yet focus on strengthening one’s core, which includes the abdominal muscles. 
I swear by these exercise formats to  help develop a strong core area, to tone the total body, but especially to help shape and tighten the hips, buttocks and arms (aka the problem areas).

After getting the okay from their doctors, new moms should make sure they include cardio in their post-pregnancy routine, but they should also definitely include strength and core conditioning. They are a must.

This winter, I was offered to test out the Ballet Body series: The Ballet Body Lower Body ($16.99); Ballet Body Upper Body ($16.99); and Ballet Body Core ($16.99) DVD, which is distributed by Acacia Media group, which sells other popular exercise DVDs. 
Oh my! The bomb! Do people still use that term? Widgets
I must say the exercises are rigorous though fitness professional Leah Sarago who designed and stars in each DVD shows viewers plenty of adjustments for their skill level: beginner or intermediate. I could ascertain from going through each of the 40-55 minute DVD in the series that they were well planned and designed to work and tone every muscle in the body. The Ballet Body series is a perfect blend of core and other exercises for the serious woman looking to get fit and toned this summer. 
I have reviewed several different exercise DVDs and programs from dozens of instructors over that past decade, starting from those that came on VHS tapes, and I do believe that Sarago’s is among the top and best in this genre.  
If you stick to it, combine it with a healthy eating regimen, and actually do the DVDs  periodically for a continuous period of time, you are almost guaranteed to see weight melt off, and inches disappear, with muscle replacing fat.

Buy the DVDs or series on Sarago’s website where you can also get digital downloads in lieu of a DVD.

If you do decide to test it out based on my recommendation, I am eager to learn how it works out for you and would appreciate getting a line back at JJ (at)!
Good luck, new moms! Get that body in shape!

Enjoy this sample of the work out for a segment Sarago starred in: | Nashville News, Weather

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