
Our Remixed version of that popular Buzzfeed Bougie Quiz

I saw that popular Buzzfeed How Bougie Are You?” Quiz that circulated among many of my friends on Facebook yesterday and I was astonished to see how low the scores were of some of my most “Bourgiest” of friends. Then I took the quiz myself and quickly realized why.
The items listed for people to check off if it applied to them or their life were not accurate as to the mindset of truly “Bougie” people. (Black Bourgeoisie Class)
Rather, the list appeared to be a random recitation of what people think being an upper middle class/affluent and educated African American is like. It was inaccurate and incomplete, to say the least.
Most of the answers also seemed based off of the mentality of those who want so badly to come off as if they are “better” than what society thinks blacks are like. (Read up on: Respectability Politics).
True bourgeoisie don’t have to neither care to prove to anyone that they’re from a privileged class. They see no value in it. They’re all about making or keeping their wealth, maintaining contacts and connections and advancing themselves while also giving back to community, and doing their part to enrich the lives of their community and others.
However, some people confuse “Ghettofabulous” and “Beoughetto” with authentic Bougie. Those in this former group, are more flashy and show-offy with their new found wealth and may say or do things so others will know that they “have made it.” (e.g. a name brand logo bags or may purchase bottle service at a table at the club)  However, in their attempts to appear cultured or high siddity, they will often slip up and reveal their authentic humble roots. Why hide it?
No one should be ashamed of where they came from and attempting to portray, often times transparently, themselves as being a certain way when they are not will have them come off as a caricature of a Cosby Show character.
Having been around the type, gone to law school with plenty and myself been accused of being very bougie often, I thought I’d offer a remixed version of the test using some of my friends as my personal muse.
And the list may come off as shallow, superficial and a bit elitist to some, but know that “Bougie is based more on socio-economic class than anything so there should’t be any begrudging the lifestyle of those who have money, whether they inherited or earned it.
Further, those who genuinely fall into the category do not necessarily look down on other members of their race and do not aspire to be thought of an “atypical” black person.
Never that.
To determine if you are truly a member of the authentic Bourgie class  head over to my Buzzfeed community contributor account and take my version of the  test!

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