
Is it a Summer Cold or Seasonal Allergies? (INFOGRAPHIC)


Did you know that 1 in 4 people suffer with a cold during the hot and humid Summer? People catch summer colds during air travel or going from the heat outdoors to the frigid cold inside their homes or office buildings. They can make you miserable just as much as winter colds. It’s best to avoid catching one, if possible. New York-based  Dr. Jennifer Collins, a physician who specializes in Allergy, Asthma and Immunology offers these tips to ward of a summer cold:
  • Do Work Out: Regular exercise is a great secret to staying healthy but it actually helps to boost your immune system!  Incorporate 15-30 minutes of exercise into your day to get maximal benefits.  No time for the gym? Take a walk or dance to some music. The more the cardio – the better you feel.
  • Do Increase your Zinc Gluconate intake: Zinc Gluconate is clinically proven to shorten the duration of a cold by almost half. If you start feeling symptoms of cold, remedies such as Cold-EEZE Cold Remedy, releases Zinc ions into the throat and upper respiratory system to prevent the cold virus from spreading. Other foods rich in zinc include oysters, dark chocolate, lamb and peanuts.
  • Do Drink OJ (Vitamin C) and Milk (Calcium): Regular intake of Vitamin C, Calcium and Vitamin D can help prevent a cold.  These vitamins not only strengthen your immune system, but they are easy to get a hold of as well! A glass of milk, orange juice, yogurt or a quick trip the pharmacy for some vitamins can help you prevent the summer cold.
  • Do Drink Water: Drinking water regularly is an easy inexpensive way of keeping your body hydrated and your skin intact.  Your skin and linings of your respiratory tract are your body’s first and largest defense against bacteria and viruses. 
  • Do Have Fun! Of course, stressing out is one of the best ways to weaken your immune system. Stress increases your body’s cortisol level, a hormone to help you handle stress.  Laugh and play with friends and have lots of fun! Laughter reduces stress and the less stress you have helps your immune system function effectively.

  • Don’t Forget to Wash Your Hands Washing your hands on a regularly basis is the easiest way to prevent yourself from getting sick.  You soap and water for at least 15-20 seconds.  If water’s not available use an alcohol based substitute to kill viruses and bacteria until you can get to a sink.  Try to keep your hands away from your eyes, nose and mouth.  These are entry points for bacteria and viruses into your body. 
  • Don’t Smoke This goes without saying – quitting tobacco may be one of the most difficult things you do, but is one of the best gifts you can give to yourself. Here are 2 tips to help you on your way.  Choose a quit date and tell your friends and loved ones that you are quitting so they can support you.  Increase your ingestion of fruit, vegetables and juice- these foods tend to make cigarettes taste less appealing.  Alcohol, coffee and sweets can enhance the way a cigarette tastes. Talk to your doctor about tools you can use to quit.
  • Don’t Deprive Yourself of Sleep Sleep plays a vital role in good health and avoiding the cold! Getting 8 hours of sleep on regular basis is important and can help protect your physical and mental health. Staying up late and waking up early doesn’t allow for your body to get the rest it needs to fight off germs.
  • Don’t Sneeze into your Hands Generations of parents and teachers have told children to cover their mouths and noses when they sneeze or cough. The rule still applies, but aim for your elbows or sleeves. Your hands touch everything all day, including your own face.
  • Don’t Drink Alcohol When you have the cold or flu, alcohol can dehydrate you.  Increase your intake of hot teas, water, and juices when you’re sick
Check out this infographic that lays out the basics and will help you determine if you are suffering from allergies or a Summer cold:

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