
First Bar for Pregnant women to open in NYC

So there is a new bar in NYC’s East Village set to open called Gestations that touts itself to be the first bar for pregnant women.  

When one hears that one may think: mock tails, fresh juices and healthy blended smoothies and drinks.

After all, a city rep told the New York Post that the owners have not applied for a liquor license as of yet. 
But the image of a pregnant woman popping a bottle of champagne on a billboard sized sign on the front of the venue makes one quickly realize it may not be a healthy bar after all. 

“All you mothers-to-be should come check out our trimester specials and our 9-month happy hour because now you’re drinking for two!” the sign at the bar, slated to open in late October states

Also, the venue’s Facebook and Twitter accounts talk about real liquor!
#gestationsny will have free pregnancy test kits when you buy a pitcher. Check out our profile on#BARTRENDr to see what else we’ll carry,” the Facebook page states. 
Say what?!
Are we being trolled? Is Jimmy Kimmel behind this?
It may just be a  publicity stunt or gimmick!
We’ll see. 
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