
Making New Year’s Weight-loss resolutions stick

Okay, for those of you trying to peel off baby-weight, I’m sure you can relate to the holidays being a tough time to lose weight. Bellyitch partner, posted a wonderful article to help re-energize those plans heading into the new year, and asked we share with you:Many of us have spent the last several weeks indulging in second and third portions of foods we ordinarily might avoid. Instead of saying “No thank you,” we say, “It’s the holidays!” But good cheer aside, drinking and feasting during the holidays can lead to serious weight gain.These common questions about post-holiday pound loss will help you prepare for this year’s weight loss resolutionHow do you figure out what your ideal weight is?
One way to do it for a woman would be for the first five feet it is 100 pounds. For each additional inch, add five pounds. For example, a woman who is 5 foot 5 inch would have an ideal body weight of 125 pounds, plus or minus 10 percent.For a man to determine his ideal body weight, it is 106 pounds for the first five feet, add six pounds for each inch over five feet. For example, a man who is 5-10 should weight 166 pounds plus or minus 10 percent. But I think this is a little strict, and unrealistic for most people.
What are the first steps to post-holiday dieting?
First, make an eating plan. Write the menu plan for the first few days, and that will get you on your way. I would keep the environment clear of trigger foods that could tempt you away from your goal. Stock up the kitchen with healthy foods, and keep junk foods out of the house. Some basic rules of thumb for good diet are to bake and broil foods rather than fry them, try to fill up on a lot of vegetables, and eat fruit for snacks. And don’t forget to drink at least eight glasses of water a day. Your body is made up of about sixty percent water. Drinking water hydrates your body, and can also help you feel more full so you will eat less.
Any tips for sticking to a new eating/exercise program?
You need to start making small changes in your behaviors. If you try to make too many changes at once, they will never become permanent. Once you feel comfortable with them, add another change or two. The problem with most people is that they try to make too many changes at once. And therefore end up failing.
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