
Six Curvy/Full Figure Fashion Bloggers You Should Know

What we love about fashion bloggers over traditional models for clothing lines is that they are able to assemble looks with accessories in a practical way that the average woman can relate to and imagine for themselves. We get a bunch of styling ideas from these women (and some men) who take the time out of their day to snap themselves in their out-of-the-day and share for their followers and readers. Another great thing about Fashion Bloggers is that, unlike traditional professional models, they come in all shapes and sizes. This includes curvy, full figured and plus-sized – depending on your choice of moniker. 
Here are 6 fashion bloggers that we scoped out for you to consider following. 
We love their style because they are not afraid of COLOR and to play with accessories and a variety of material and textures to mix up their fashion palette. 
Amy at FullFigureAndFashionable  and Katie from Hems for Her

Assa from My Curves & Curls
Assa from My Curves & Curls


Amy at FullFigureAndFashionable  

 Kiersten Heath from  BiteMyHeathBar 

 Katie from Hems for Her and Amy from FullFigureAndFashionable  

Celebrity Fashion Stylist Becca Alexis

Tina Campbell and Erica Campbell of Mary Mary


 Kiersten Heath at  BiteMyHeathBar

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