
30 blogs on parenting boys!

Because I have two boys, I am sharing this guest blog post from fulltimenanny:

Some people might tell you that parenting is parenting and there is no difference between parenting a boy and parenting a girl, but that one size fits all approach just doesn’t work for everyone. Raising a boy can be a whole new ballgame from raising a girl, and sometimes you may find yourself in need of a little extra help. These 30 bloggers have created posts that will help you determine what you need to do during different stages of raising a boy and how the roles that mom and dad play are different.

Mom’s Role
Mom can kiss his boo boos and calm his fears, and more often than not she is his safe place should he need one. The role that Mom plays in her sons life is drastically different than that of Dad, and thus requires her to fulfill different needs. At what point do boys really need a male role model?  These points and others are covered in these five blog entries.
Dad’s Role
Do you have to have a Dad in the picture to raise a great boy?  Not necessarily, but he does still need to have good male role models in his life.  Read through these five blog posts to see why a male role model is so important for your boy.
When is raising a toddler boy different than raising a toddler girl?  Is it okay to let him play with dolls or get a play kitchen for his birthday?  Everything you should think about when raising toddler boys is covered in these five blog entries.
How do tween boys differ from teen boys?  Is there something you should be telling them or not telling them?  Look at these five blog posts to see what you might need to know about raising your tween boy.
Puberty is a scary time for you and your son.  He will be freaked out by his own body if you do not warn him ahead of time what he should expect to happen.  Be pro-active and don’t wait for the school to tell him what’s going to happen to his body.  Take a gander at these five blog entries if you are a little unsure of what to say.
Everyone seems to pity you when you say you have a teenager, so there must be some reason why teenagers get such a bad rap.  If you are raising a teenage boy you need to check out these five blog articles.

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