
50 Things Moms should Teach Their Sons

Bellyitch Rewind

Following up on our post today about things to teach your daughter, and in light of what I’ve seen in social media and on blogs with many moms to sons expressing concern about what to say to their boys to make sure they grow to see a nice long old age, here are 50 things I came up with that moms (and dads) should teach their sons from childhood, adolescence, college years and beyond.

1. Don’t hit girls, even your sister. Even if she hits you first, your punch will more likely than not have a much stronger impact than hers.  Besides, the cops usually side with the girl and you will go to jail.
2. Play to win.
3. It’s important you tried your best, but always aim to win.
4. Work hard. It really pays. We’re not just making that up. Laziness gets you nowhere.
5. Study hard, even when your friends are goofing off. You’ll be glad you did.
6. Don’t take shortcuts.
7. Pay attention to math. You’ll need it to learn to balance your checkbook and not get shortchanged on a bill or later in life.
8. Pay your bills on time and your balance every month. 
9. Don’t put something on credit you can’t afford to pay at the end of the month. With interest rates, you’ll end up forking up $200 to pay off a $10 pizza over the course of 10 years.
10. Fix up your bed as soon as you wake up. It’s a good habit to develop for when you get married or have roommates later.
11. Nothing comes easy. Even the overnight success stories you hear about took a long time to get there.
12. There are no shortcuts in life. In fact, trying to take them only makes the road longer. 
13.  Treat a girl like how you’d treat your mom, with respect.
14. Stand for something. Be principled.

15. Don’t believe everything you read on the Internet. Anyone can update Wikepedia. Never rely on it. 
16. Always think about your future when you make decisions in the present.
17. Stick by your argument, but know when to concede a point.
18. Don’t call people names, in person, or online. It’s a coward move. Use your intellect instead when debating.
19. Be empathetic to others. You won’t understand everyone’s struggles but try not to devalue or second guess theirs.
20. Don’t share a photo of a girl she sends you with your friends, and even your closest friends, and especially if it is nude or partially nude Sexting can land you in jail.
21. No means no.
22. The best looking girl in school isn’t necessarily the best girl in school.
23. Treat your friends well. Be loyal.
24. Don’t gossip. The only way two people can keep a secret is if one of them is dead.
25. Don’t look up to athletes and singers as role models. They get paid to do what they do. Find role models in teachers, family members and men doing good by their family and community.
26. When you go off to college, drink in moderation. Sloppy drunk can get you arrested, killed or in jail. I want you around long after college and have no plans of outliving you.
27. What you choose to wear can and will matter. You may be judged by others, police, employers etc by your clothes. Dress appropriately for the situation. 
28. If you are ever pulled over, keep your hands on the wheel and don’t make any sudden movements so you’re not mistaken for going for a weapon. When you reach for your registration in the glove compartment box, ask the officer permission to do so first.
29. The kitchen is not just for girls. Learn your way around it.
30. Shower every day. And don’t put back on dirty clothes from your hamper afterwards. It defeats the purpose. 
31. Never leave the house without combing or brushing your hair. You’ll turn the girls off.
32. Brush your teeth daily. Plaque is not cute. 
33. Avoid congregating or loitering with your friends in too large groups at the malls or public places. You might get mistaken for being in a gang. 

34. When a fight breaks out, go the other way. You can watch the replay on YouTube or World Star Hip Hop later.
35. Trim you nails weekly. Long nails on a dude are not attractive.
36. Use deodorant daily.
37. Learn how to change a tire, check your oil pressure in the car, know the guages on the dashboard and how to handle a car emergency.
38. Figure out how to use basic tools like a wrench, screwdriver etc. 
39. Always use condoms. Ignore the girl who says she’s on the pill. 
40. Don’t do drugs. Here’s a long list of folks who drugs have messed up who had perfectly good lives before.
41. If you do things the first time as you are told, you will waste a lot less time.
42. Everybody is insecure. Even the popular kids. They just hide it better.
43. Learn to enjoy reading. You’ll be doing a lot of it at school and even after you graduated college.
44. Your first love won’t be your last.
45. Friends change. People grow up and grow apart. It’s part of life.
46. Don’t feel pressured to stay in a car of someone driving recklessly. Teens die every year in car crashes. You don’t want to be one of them. I don’t want you to be one of them.
47. You should always get dropped off at the safest public area and call home for a ride.
48. Not everyone will like you. That is life. There are 7 billion people in the world. You’ll find others who will.

49. It’s okay to cry. You’ll feel better after you do.
50. Eating healthy and daily exercise will keep you looking young when your friends start showing their age.
Unofficial #1 rule. Your mom is number one and make sure all the ladies in your life know that.  (wink)

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