
DC’s infant mortality rate is among highest and lowest worldwide depending on zipcode

During the uprisings in Baltimore in recent days, those from the wealthy parts of that city said they could not relate to the struggles of Baltimore City residents protesting in the streets.

They live in different worlds though their located minutes apart.

Similarly, down the street in Washington, DC, children born in its poorest section, Ward 8, are about 10 times more likely to die than those born in the wealthiest area.

Those findings can be found in Save the Children’s 16th annual Mothers’ Index assesses the well-being of mothers and children in 179 countries showing where they fare best and where they face the greatest hardships.

When comparing world capitals, Washington DC ranked among the highest in infant mortality rate compared to other capital cities in wealthy countries, mainly because there is a high birth rate in the poorest parts of the city and a high infant mortality rate.

But the richest Wards  rank among the world cities with the lowest infant mortality rate.

Ward 3 had just 1.2 deaths per 1,000 in 2012, ranked among cities like Tokyo and Stockholm, Meanwhile, the birth rate in Ward 8 is 24 babies died in 2012 compared to only one in Ward 8.

This shocking conclusion is why this video released by Save The Children to bring awareness to the disparity even locally is on point. WATCH!

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