
8 Effective Post-Natal Exercises to help Drop Baby Weight Fast

If you’ve recently had a baby and have gotten the okay from your doctor to finally start exercising again, you still may find it tough to escape to a gym or maybe you don’t have a gym membership.

Maybe, you have exercise DVDs but no motivation to do them or want to mix up your routine. There are ways to get fit with your baby nearby or napping and while watching your fave TV shows .

These are 8 of my favorite old-school weight-bearing routines.

1. Push-ups – I find Push-ups are the BEST for getting toned arms. You don’t even need barbells. It’s great because it works out your deltoids, biceps and triceps all at once. Doing at least 3 sets of 10 reps each time you work out will get you sculpted Michelle Obama arms in no time.  To do them, start in plank position and then engage your core as you lower and raise your body.

2. Burpees – Everyone I know absolutely HATE this total body exercise. You basically have to engage every muscle in your body to perform it and that is why they are so effective. Start in a standing position, then drop down to a deep squat with your hands outside your feet. From there, jump your legs back and get into a plank then return to the deep squat. Then pop back up into a standing postion and with your arms in the air, jump straight up. They can also be a cardio exercise if you do at least 10 in a row without stopping too long in between.

3. Squats – This move is relatively simple to do and is perfect for lifting and getting a tone butt. Tgey also works your quads and hamstrings. I find they are great lower body exercise to do in front of the TV too. Stand with your feet shoulder length apart. Lower down into a sitting postion before standing  back up. Repeat for 10-15 reps for three sets.

4. Jumping Jacks – Speaking of cardio, the best way to get it in without any treadmill, stairclimber, spin bike or other exercise machine is by doing between 30-100 of these in one session continuously or straight for 2 minutes.

5. Lunges – Another power lower body workout are lunges. These too are popular for getting tight and sculpted legs. Start with your legs shoulder with apart with your hands on your hips. Then, step forward out about 90 degrees with one leg but be careful not to let your knees go beyond your feet. Alternate legs. Do 20 reps and 3 sets per session. You can do reverse lunges next by stepping back if you like

6. Running in place – To also get a good cardio work out, simply run in place for 1-2 minutes straight. Keep your knees high. You’ll work up a sweat and get your heart pumping

7. Planks – Another dreaded move are the planks, but these are the quickest way to work all the muscles in your abdominal area in one move. Start like you are going to do a push up, then lowerself down to your elbows and stay in that position for 30 seconds to a minute and work yourself up to a minute. You’ll definitely feel these the next day.

8. Mountain climbers – Finally, another good cardio and toning exercise are mountain climbers. Start in a plank position, then alternate each foot up toward your hand, right under your chest. The quicker you alternate, the more cardio the work out you’ll get. While in the plank postion, you are also working your upper body as well.

If you squeeze these moves in for about 20 to 30 minutes a day, or every other day, you’ll see the weight start to drop especially if you are breastfeeding or watching your caloric intake at the same time. On alternate days, go for a walk or short jog outdoors or do an exercise DVD. You need to mix up your workout to drop pounds and not plateau.

Good luck!

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