
Volunteer to Get FREE Stretch-Mark Prevention Cream

A female founder has developed a stretch mark preventive butter which she says turns into silky absorbing, non-staining oil which is unlike anything being sold today.  Sounds good?

Greta Moretti  has asked Bellyitch to refer to her pregnant volunteers to test market one of 10 nutrient-rich creams she says is 99% natural.  All 10 contains restorative omega 3 antioxidants, are high in omega 6 (linoleic acid) and omega 9 (oleic acid), have tons of vitamins including A, C, & E, and over 20 essential amino acids and natural peptides, Moretti says.

The main target market, Moretti tells us, is women whose sense of smell is off during pregnancy. That’s why she is doing this test is to help her narrow down the ten fragrances and colors of the product down to four. In addition, she would like general feedback before the upcoming product launch.

” I want them to feel smart about what they’re putting on their skin, and not be swayed by fancy marketing techniques for worthless products containing useless ingredients,” Moretti says.

The test market will be limited to about 20 women, but in all stages of pregnancy.

If you are interested in volunteering and receiving the products free of charge, including free shipping, give Moretti a call at 845-735-3300 and leave a message. She will call back to follow up with you.

Do let us know if you volunteer and make the final cut! Tell her Bellyitch sent you!

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