
This School Year, Adopt this One Parent-Child-Teacher Accountability Tool

The best way to keep track of your child’s work and progress this school year is by having students keep daily logs for both teachers and parents to track and monitor.

This was one of the superb suggestions given by one of the 12 Top Teacher thought leaders and bloggers from around the world that Global Education Publisher CMRubinWorld curated.

“What teachers must do for parents is instigate student learning logs (in any format) and raise the incentives for parents to be involved in them,” said Head of Technology at at a New Zealand High School and education blogger Richard Wells. “Documenting learning allows parents and teachers to recognize it and this raises learning’s status in the mind of the child. Parents need to be made aware that becoming participants in this recognition they will raise the achievement of their own children with only small but regular gestures and comments.”

We agree.

Through a log, a parent will not have to be surprised at the end of the marking period or semester to learn their child has had missing assignments or incomplete projects. A log would eliminate that surprise element.

Also, getting to see what the child is up to daily helps the parent be an active participant for accountability. If a mom knows that her son has a report due in a week, she can ask him to work on it or tear him away from video game playing and take him to the library to focus and work on the project. Kids hide assignments from their parents sometimes to avoid getting nagged about completing them.

With a daily log system in place, no more surprise! Even if your child’s school or teacher doesn’t have a formal log system in place, parents can ask about implementing their own system.


Read the rest of Wells’ response and contributions from the other 11 education experts HERE!

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