
The One Thing Parents in Large Families with Multiple Children Must Do

This post is sponsored by Coca-Cola

In families with multiple children of varying ages, it is easy for a child to get lost in the hustle and bustle of a busy household.

Between travel to school, after-school practices, and weekend social activities and games, there are few opportunities for each child to get one-on-one time with a parent. These are precious and essential moments that parents have to make time for.

Meanwhile, we parents are all just trying to raise good, conscientious, civic-minded children to become well-adjusted, optimistic, happy, productive, and, hopefully, successful adults.

I have three children of varying personalities, with different temperaments, tastes, and likes. My husband and I make a concerted effort to carve out moments to connect with each of our three children. It’s their special time.

They are moments without their siblings around to compete for attention. It gives us a way to access what’s going on in their personal, academic, and social lives at school, and determine where our help is needed, if at all.

It has worked great for us!

The tween years are tough, but I’m discovering with my now-teenage son that the teen years are the toughest. But one-on-one time helps a lot.

For example, this year, at the end of each band performance, cross-country meet, or other event, my teen son and I celebrate the highs. It’s become a tradition.

We’ve been celebrating those days when he gets a personal-best time in cross country, and this season has been especially phenomenal because he has gotten progressively faster and has improved tremendously in four seasons of running.

As a treat following the meet and to cap off a great race, we chill with a refreshing cold mini can of Coca-Cola. It’s our thing and our thing only.

When you add refreshing Coca-Cola to any situation, things go from good to great. Because when you add a little delicious Coca-Cola, it all adds up to memories.



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