
Which Halloween Candy Has the Most Sugar (INFOGRAPHIC)

Halloween is for candy and candy usually means sugar!

I just finished stocking up on candy to give out to Trick-or-Treaters who will be knocking on our door tomorrow. Of course, I couldn’t resist but sneak a few pieces. I have no will power over Snickers! They are my fave.

Alas, Halloween also marks the start of the season of wrecking diets and healthy eating plans.  After Halloween comes Thanksgiving and then Holiday parties and then Christmas cookies, pies, cakes and other goodies.  Oy!

It’s a good time to watch the sugar intake now, not just for yourself but also the children in your family.

Want to know which confection as the most sugar? Sugar Babies have a whopping 15 grams of sugar followed by Blow Pops which have 13 grabs of sugar. A safer bet would be a Dum Dum lollipop which has just 4 grams of sugar or a packet of Smarties which has 5 grams of sugar.

Here’s a graphic on how the most popular candies stack up against each other:


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