
These 25 Blogs Have Great Family Spring & Easter Vacation Ideas

Because it is that time of the year again to start figuring out what to do with the kids during Easter and Spring Break, we are sharing a old post featuring 25 blogs with ideas for what to do and were to go!
Getting away for a while and hanging out in nature can be very
relaxing for kids and parents alike.  You don’t even have to go very far
from home to enjoy this experience.  Getting the kids outside to play,
get some exercise and spend time away from the television and other
electronics can be great for some family bonding.  Here are five blog
posts with family-friendly camping ideas.
Cruise lines have opened up a world of opportunities for vacationing
with your kids.  What was once considered a more adult-only vacation has
branched off and now includes many kid-friendly activities, making it
the perfect family-friendly vacation. There are also some cruises, like
the Disney cruises, that are geared almost entirely at the kids in the
family.  Check out these five blog articles about cruising options for
the family.
Warm Destinations
If you are living in a region where there is a lot of snow and
temperatures fall below zero, you might be thinking that enjoying Spring
Break on the beach sounds pretty good.  Which beach do you choose?
Beaches and other warm destinations to enjoy during Spring Break are
included in these next five blog entries.
Cold Destinations
Spring Break is often the last chance to get some skiing in if you
want to head north or travel into the mountains. If you aren’t a skier,
there are plenty of cold destinations that offer fun activities for
families during Spring Break as well, such as taking in a play on
Broadway or checking out historic locations in New England.  These five
blog posts will point out some Spring Break destinations that will allow
you to take advantage of cooler temperatures before summer hits.
Kids with Working Parents
If you can’t take time off this year to go on a family trip and you
are looking for something interesting for the kids to do all week, here
are some ideas that might inspire your youngsters to have a blast on
their break at home. If you don’t live near any of these places, but
still want to take advantage of these ideas, keep in mind that your
child might be able to stay with family in another city and attend some
of the day camps.  Other ideas to keep kids from getting bored over
Spring Break are also noted.  For ideas check out these five blog

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