
Thanks, mom! Pez cancels Easter Egg Hunt because of Obnoxious Parents

Remember when I once wrote that there is no wrong way to parent?

Okay this didn’t count:

International candy company Pez was forced to cancel its latest annual Easter egg hunt when parents ruined it by early bum-rushing the field where the eggs were hidden, knocking over other people’s kids and being obnoxious in the process.

PEZ Candy abruptly canceled its third annual Easter egg hunt Saturday after parents stormed the field in Connecticut, according to a company news release.

Children as young as 4 were pushed aside by parents eager to grab as many of the 9,000 eggs hidden in three fields, CNN reports.

“When it came time, at like 10:30 a.m. ET, the parents just bum-rushed that area,” West Haven resident Nicole Welch told CNN affiliate WFSB. “When my son left, he had a broken basket, and he was hysterically crying.”

Sheesh! Way to go, mom and dad!!

Chill. This is not the right way to be a helicopter parent.

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