
4 Things to Avoid Doing In Front of Your Children

From the moment babies are born, they figuratively act as little sponges, taking in everything going on around them. Although you understandably want to be a good role model to your children, you might inadvertently take part in some less-than-desirable activities — at least from time to time.

To set the best example possible from the moment your kids enter this world, check out the following four, everyday habits you may want to consider stopping:

1. Addiction to Technology

From the time they are toddlers, young kids have an amazing knack for figuring out and using all types of tech devices, including your smartphone. While you probably don’t want your kids to be glued to a screen for hours at a time, you might want to look at your own tech usage and be sure you are also following healthy habits. As Pop Sugar notes, if you are constantly on your smartphone texting, checking Facebook and crushing candies, it will be difficult to tell your kids they cannot share in these same joys. Try to limit your screen time, and whatever you do, resist the urge to text or check emails while driving.

2. Being a Lead Foot

If you have a tendency to put the proverbial pedal to the metal, or if you are known to cut people off or take other risks on the road, becoming a parent is the perfect excuse to stop these bad-driving habits. In addition to wanting to keep your precious cargo as safe as possible, these small children will quickly grow up to be teen drivers — and you don’t want them emulating your speed demon ways. To help you become a better and safer driver, take some time to review the latest safe-driving practices and local traffic laws at a website like The free online resource features plenty of great information to help you take the lead out of your right foot.

3. Doing Everything for Everyone

Of course, when your children are babies, you will definitely need to take care of all their needs. But as soon as they are able to start helping out around the house, encourage them to take on some small jobs and responsibilities. As Parent Herald notes, doing everything for your kids is a bad habit that can ultimately result in pampered children, who expect you to do everything under the sun. Even toddlers can help put blocks back in a basket, while preschoolers can help collect laundry or put away the clean forks and spoons from the dishwasher.

4. Swearing Like a Sailor

Most parents let some juicy words pop out of their mouths from time to time — like when you are carrying a big load of laundry and slam your pinky toe into the door jamb. Ouch! If you find yourself swearing on a daily basis, or merely adding salty words into conversation with friends or adult family members, be aware your toddler is listening intently and will probably repeat these words. Unless you want your darling preschooler to ask aunt Marian “How the &%$#! is it going?” you might want to rein in your bad language as soon as possible.

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