


The blog gets between 25,000- 250,000 monthly pageviews, between 25,000-125,000 visits, depending on the campaign and time of year, per Alexa, Compete and Google Analytics measurement tools.

The total follows/fans across all social media follows for all social media accounts for the blog is: 40,000

Contact us for our current rate for sponsored post or sponsored giveaway. On average, sponsors of giveaways receive an average increase of 100 Instagram follows, 2,000 Tweets and ReTweets, 1,000 website visits and about 500 new FB follows during the course of the giveaway.

For a campaign that includes a giveaway, a review, shares on all social media platforms including on founder JJ’s personal pages (except Pinterest, which is extra).

Let us know if you are interested.

There are several ways to Promote on Bellyitch.

Note: We only do one giveaway or sponsored review each week, though you can bump ahead of the line by paying an expedited fee. Content and product given away must fit within our blog theme: parents, children, parents, pregnancy, maternity, family.

We do not accept ads for adult oriented content like dating sites, pornography,  or with sex-related theme

Sponsored Post – We accept sponsored posts for up to 800 words of content.

Here are reviews by Sponsored Post clients:

SRC Health conducted two promotions with Bellyitch, one for our pregnancy range and one for our post natal range.  Both competitions went extremely well with over 220 new visitors reaching our site each promotion and a 40% improved conversion rate.  Bellyitch was extremely professional and easy to work with, providing clear instructions, good content and excellent follow up to see if we were satisfied with the results.  As a business in the pregnancy and maternity space, I would highly recommend using Bellyitch to promote your brand.

Sasha Fichera, SRC Health.

Working with JJ at Bellyitch was a great experience. She is truly a professional, and I was impressed with both her timely manner and the quality with which her posts are written. Our PR team and client were incredibly happy with our results and we look forward to working with JJ in the future.

Jamie Marsella, Orsi Public Relations, Los Angeles

Social Media– Instagram, Twitter, Facebook or Pinterest.

Sponsored Giveaway – You will have to offer a prize that is of minimum value $50 and you get a post about the giveaway included.

Reskin (“Takeover”) and Banner Ads  Above Fold – All ads above fold will filter through Email at advertise(at) to discuss.

Banner Ads Below the Fold  Get approximately 1.5M impression per month (this includes impressions from page views and traffic to and from our social media accounts).

Email at advertise (at) We are flexible and negotiable with different budgets. We also work with non-profits and start ups and can accommodate limited budgets.

Opinion without the Arrogance:

Readers enjoy the advice and reviews dispensed on this site because it comes from a non-preachy or judgmental point of view and is down to earth. The reviews are straight forward and real, not always positive and favorable simply because a product was given or provided in return for the review. For that reason, readers value the advice given as being honest and credible.

Colorful and Diverse Offering of Celebrity Gossip

Equally, the imagery and celebrity photos, gossip and features are diverse and beyond the same 100 or so A-list celebrities that are featured on other celebrity blogs. The market for fans of underground, underexposed and under-appreciated television, African American, Latino,  Asian American, and other celebrities that are not featured on the mainstream sites is expansive. Thus, the blog gets several hundred thousands of visitors each week for surfers searching for news, gossip and information about people that can’t be found on other sites.

Readership and Market

Bellyitch readers come from the U.S., Canada, the Caribbean, the U.K. Japan, Korea, Eastern Europe, and other areas of the world. Bellyitch delivers up to 5 times a day updated content and has developed a strong and loyal following.  Bellyitch draws visitors that include would-be fathers and mothers. The typical visitor is a first time parent or expecting parent who reads and researches information about pregnancy. Bellyitch includes features and exposes on topics that hip, image-conscious, fashionable and celebrity-obsessed people want to see including its very popular searched topic: “Most expensive stroller” and “How to look like old money.”

Arrange Your Ad Now!

For more information on ad rates, packages and advertising assistance, please contact us at jj(at)

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