
Actress Teresa Palmer ice skates 9 months pregnant, 3 Extremely Pregnant Athletes (PHOTOS)

Look at this! 

Warm Bodies star Teresa Palmer posted a photo of herself on her Instagram account this past Saturday, January 5 showing off her ice skating moves….at 9 months pregnant! 
“Preggo-on-ice!! #Ninemonths @likemark,” Palmer wrote in the caption to the photo.
Wowza! Talk about putting your baby in danger.  At that far along, your center of gravity it off balance and you are less able to control your movement while walking, let along on ice skates.  Let’s not forget to mention the fact that another skater could bump into you while on the ice and cause you to fall ON her tummy and accidentally kill the baby.
Sheesh! I am going to assume she was not aware of the risk and she didn’t think that the list of things you shouldn’t be doing in your trimester included ice skating, but yeah.  This was an uncool move here, Ms. Palmer.
I suppose the Australian actress wanted to join the long line of women recently who caught a lot of attention for engaging in athletic activities at 9 months pregnant like:

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