
Happy Pi Day: 14 Kid-Friendly Pie Recipes to try!

Happy Pi day!!

March 14 is generally recognized as a day worldwide, we geeks recognize and celebrate the mathematical phenomenon that is the  unique irrational number: Pi!

Pi is the ratio of a circle’s circumference to its diameter and is approximately equal to 3.14159……  The numbers after the decimal never repeat and go on forever!
Pi has been represented by the Greek letter “π” since the mid-18th century,
Pi day is  also a great day to celebrate, make, eat and be all about PIES!

And just in time, I’ve joined Foodie by Glam‘s campaign and have curated a collection of 14 kid-friendly pie recipes. Get ready,  pore through this collection and pick one or two of these recipes that are super easy to make and are designed for the pallet of tiny tummys. It includes some mini versions of traditional pie recipes for teenie hands!
Baking is a wonderful family activity to do as an alternative to playing video games or watching TV. It also has educational aspects because children learn about units of measurements too!

 Fun and instructional! You cannot beat it!
If you make a pie recipe with your children soon or anytime this month, please send us a photo and let us know! We’d love to showcase it on the blog later! Thanks!
Do note for full disclosure, this collection of yummy recipes were curated as part of a paid opportunity but that doesn’t mean I didn’t assemble it with you lovely readers in mind and heart. Have fun baking moms and dads and grandmoms and nannies too! ha!

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