
30 Best blogs for the Working Mom

Balancing the demands of a career and a growing family is no small feat, but it’s one that the modern American mother juggles every day. Managing the daily responsibilities of getting children to and from their various activities, providing them with the attention and affection that they need, nurturing your marriage, and still contributing to the family’s finances by holding down a job requires a large measure of patience and a solid support system. For more and more women, the backbone of that support system is made up of the global village created by the Internet. Blogs that cater to working mothers make up quite a large corner of the blogosphere, and these 30 entries exemplify the advice and help that they offer.
If there’s one thing that working moms never seem to have enough of, it’s time. These five blog entries offer helpful hints for managing and making the most out of the limited amount of time you’re allotted each day.
Quick Weeknight Meals
After a long day at work, the last thing that most working mothers want to do is tackle an elaborate, gourmet dinner. These blog entries showcase the best in quick, simple, kid-friendly cuisine for those nights when homework help and overtime at the office collide.
Making the Most of Family Time
Between school, your spouse’s career, and your own work, finding time to spend together as a family isn’t always easy. Ensuring that you make the most of the time you do have available to spend together is a priority for many working parents, and is where these five blog posts shine.
Dealing with Nanny Envy
Working parents struggle, sometimes for weeks, to find the ideal nanny for their family. When nannies prove to be a less-than-perfect fit, it’s a disappointment. When she’s so wonderful that everyone in the family adores her, it can feel like less of a triumph and more of a cause for private jealousy. Fears that your children will love their nanny more than they love you and feelings of envy towards the nanny who’s paid to stay home with your beloved little ones all day are perfectly natural, albeit painful, parts of being a working mother. These five blog posts tackle nanny envy, and offer working mothers some support.
Guilt and the Working Mother
Despite the fact that you’re working to provide for your children and help them have the best possible quality of life, guilt over leaving them in the care of strangers can begin to creep in and haunt even the strongest moms. These bloggers understand that guilt, and discuss it candidly in their blog entries.
Breastfeeding after Returning to Work
Under section 4207 of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, employers must provide breastfeeding mothers with a reasonable amount of break time and a private place, other than a restroom, to pump or express breast milk for a full year after the birth of their child. Because breast milk is the best possible source of nutrition for infants, it’s important that working mothers have the support they need to continue breastfeeding after returning to work. These five blog posts help the breastfeeding, working mom learn the best ways to manage nursing after her maternity leave ends.


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