
Another model’s post-partum selfie sends women into a frenzy

Another brand new mom is catching heat for showing off her super thin bounced back body weeks after delivering. 
In a caption to the above photo that Australian model Erin McNaught shared on her Instagram account, she wrote, “4 weeks PP [post partum] and I’m starting to get my stomach back!”…adding that “aside from lots of walking and eating healthy, I’ve been doing loads of pelvic floor and transverse abdominus exercises. Still no traditional ab work which is driving me crazy! #bodyafterbaby”.
The comments from mainly women were not so supportive, especially from those who say McNaught was pushing a false and unrealistic standard on average women who 1. don’t have the genes she was blessed with that enable her to be naturally thin; and 2. neither can afford an army of personal chefs, nannies, trainers and other help to get them looking like her after baby. 
To be fair, McNaught did share with The Fix that she had a very fit pregnancy.
“I’m doing a little bit of yoga but mostly more high-intesity stuff,” she told the magazine while on the red carpet to the PEOPLE‘s Sexiest People issue reveal last October. “I still do Body Attack and Nike training and all of that!”
Check her out during pregnancy and it becomes apparent why and how she was able to look like that. 
This is not the first time a celebrity woman has caught flak for sharing an unreal post-baby body weeks after delivery.
Silvana Philippoussis, the model wife of tennis star Mark Philippoussis caught heat last September when she too posted her post baby body on Instagram commenting, ” Finally found the courage to post this…Me. 2 wks after giving birth! Ladies, I know every body’s different but trust me when I say: – Don’t forget to suck in your postpartum tummy’s!” 
She added, “It’s the fastest most natural way to get your tummy back into shape:) I gave myself a few days to recover after birth then started sucking in a little everyday to ge my stomach muscles working again – every little bit counts! #iamoldfashioned #iforgetthewaistband #youcandoit #justdoit.”

And in 2013, fitness blogger Caroline Berg Eriksen also got some of it when she posted this above photo just 4 days after giving birth! DAYS! 
It caused me too personally to backlash against gossip media which celebrate and put on their covers these post-baby bodies of these celebrities which serve to denigrate regular woman who cannot achieve such rapid loss and pump up arrogant men who love to shame women for not getting skinny after baby. 
It all contributes to pregorexia where women intentionally withhold food and nutrients from themselves and their babies in order to avoid gaining too much weight during pregnancy. 

There needs to be a balance between being a bully of other moms, as fitness pro Maria Kang was accused of being when she asked, “what’s your excuse” for not looking as good as her after having a baby…and being motivational.

Cause really, no one who has had a tough time losing weight would ever ask another woman, why they too couldn’t do it.

Just my thoughts. Chime in below:

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