
Kim Kardashian-West’ Donation Pledge Tweets make Local Girl Famous

I love how local media picked up by national media can really do a lot for charity cases. Here is an example: This week, the popular FOX gossip radio round up show Dish Nation did one of its regular local station feature where it picks a local story to spotlight.

This time, it picked Witchita, Kansas. One of the hosts spotlighted the work of 17-year old Amelia Flores who started a shoe drive to donate to Soles for Souls charity that gifts gently used shoes to people in need. Flores said the charity helped her family during Hurricane Katrina and wanted to give  back.
“I felt like this was a way to give back to them and say thank you,” Amelia told her local paper, The Wichita Eagle. “People were super willing to give their shoes,” she said about expanding her initiative from 200 pairs to 2,000. “So I figured why not.”

Flores, who had collected 1,000 shoes but was hoping to get 1,000 more by December 18. “By calculation, she needs 112 each day,” host J-Si Chavez said “We need to start donating, Witchita.”

Fortunately for Flores and the charity, Kim Kardashian-West saw the Dish Nation segment and tweeted her support. And the rest is Viral history….



The teen got the message and got some great local news coverage and eventually made a video response:


Flores says her new goal is 25,000 shoes and with all the publicity, she’s likely to reach it!

photo collage: courtesy Dish Nation

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