
Adoption Agencies are Looking for Volunteers to Cuddle with Newborns

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Adoption agencies all across America are recruiting volunteers to cuddle and spend time with newborns.

ABC News reported that the agencies need temporary caregivers to nurture and care for newborn babies that are waiting to be adopted. Volunteers must be willing to cuddle, hug, and love the babies during their first few weeks of life.

The research is indisputable that body contact, warmth, love and affection are crucial for the first few days and weeks of a newborn’s life and development. One of the reasons of high infant mortality in developing nations is the lack of attention and body-to-body connection in understaffed and ill-equipped orphanages.

If you are interested in the job, search here for your local agency and see if there is a need you can fill.

Interim Care Provider, Lewis, relaxing with baby. #InterimCare

Posted by Spence-Chapin Services to Families and Children on Tuesday, February 2, 2016

h/t ABC

photo: Shutterstock

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