
Early Ultrasound During Pregnancy Worsens Child Autism Symptoms, Study Says

ULTRASOUNDS during early pregnancy could see autistic children develop more severe symptoms, research suggests.

A new Washington University study suggests that women that get ultrasounds early in their pregnancy and later give birth to a child with autism will see more severe symptoms in their children.

Researchers examined the ultrasound records of mothers to more than 100 autistic children.  All of the children involved all had a genetic variant which made them more likely to develop the condition.

The study found that autistic children of mothers who had ultrasound scans in the first trimester were more severely affected by their condition.

The scientists are not claiming that an early ultrasound may cause the autism but perhaps did cause the worsening of symptoms

“Don’t have ultrasound in the first trimester if there is no medical need – you may be putting your unborn fetus at unnecessary risk,” Professor Sara Webb, who led the research, told the UK Express.

But Professor Jim Dornan, from Queen’s University, Belfast, said: “Until there are more rigorous studies no conclusions can be drawn.”

Yes, we too get frustrated over the varying messages and conclusions that come out of the research industry, but for conditions like autism which is relatively still a mystery, the more information and any correlations, the better.





h/t UK Express

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