
Would You Wear The Plastic Knee Mom Jeans That Rocked the Internets?

We are a big proponent of the “mom jeans” and have blogged about their resurgence as a genuine chic options here and here and here.

But the new viral mom jeans is taking the cake!

Topshop (and also its distributor Nordstrom) is getting a lot of ribbing on the Internet for its mom jeans that has plastic knees cut out to accommodate the mom who is kneeling often while doing housework, playing with her kids and the like. Um…yeah.

It’s not cheap either. The acid wash, denim, high waist, tapered leg jeans with multiple pockets croppable pants are machine washable and run $95!   Wowza!

They are called the  ‘MOTO clear plastic mom jeans” and can be purchased today at TopShop HERE!  Would you wear them? Hit us up in social media and let us know.

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photo: Elisa Bellino

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