
Santa HQ at Tyson’s Corner Center Mall In Va Is A Must Visit This Season

This weekend, I headed down to the Tyson’s Corner Center Mall to attend the launch kick off event of its Santa HQ, an interactive, and engaging exhibit featuring virtual reality, social media and other engaging experiences, essentially an enhanced Santa’s workshop for the digital era..

It was a fun  family mid-afternoon spent decorating Nestle‘s Tollhouse cookies, listening to a local school band perform, getting complimentary face painting and touring Santa’s Observatory near the Nordstrom entrance in the mall.

The tour kicks off with kids (and adults if they like) being “scanned” as they arrive to determine if they’ve been “naughty or nice.” Your name appears on the Nice list if you’re lucky enough to make it!

Complimentary selfie sticks are available to borrow while walking through the observatory to take photos. Guests can use special tablets to view Santa’s magical world – the night sky or Santa’s elves at work. They appear like holograms before your eyes!

But right before entering the observatory, your kids can stop off and take an “ELFIE” (a photo opp as a dancing elf).

Download the Elfie or Elf-Ray Visions app from the Apple or Google Play store onto your phone, tablet or other mobile device and the walk thru becomes an even more magical experience as trigger stations throughout the exhibit ignite animations that come to life through the device and before your eyes. It’s quite magical!

At the end, families can take a photo in front of a screen of gifts and kids get to sit on Santa’s lap and tell him what they want for Christmas. Prices start at $39.99 for the photo.

I have been to a lot of holiday exhibits in the area and over the years and I must say this is one of the best Santa experiences in the #DMV (DC, MD, VA area)

Kids get a coloring book as a parting gift and parents can drop off a toy for a toy drive for needy area families while there. That equals fun and altruism all in one fun afternoon. Can’t beat that!

I read in a recent report that suburban malls are on the downturn because millennials in the GenY generation prefer living in the city and shopping online, but that prognosis does not apply to this mall!

It has so many amazing and different stores and is electrifying and bustling in there with lots of options and two food courts! Go #ShopTysons.

As a takeaway and gift for coming down to explore this year’s exhibit, the nice people at Tyson’s gifted me a wonderful gift bag filled with goodies from Origins, a sample of beauty products from Inglot which also provided complimentary make up touch ups for moms before the Santa photo, a couple of free admissions tickets to Tysons Ice Rink at the Plaza, and the latest copy of HGTV magazine, which is a sponsor of the Observatory experience.


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