
Spring Cleaning Tips For Picking the Best Vacuum

Spring Cleaning season is around the corner.

Your vacuum is probably something you don’t think about that much.  Vacuums tend to get shoved to the back of the closet, only to be retrieved when we absolutely need them.  

You may not realize it, but a good vacuum is something that every home should be equipped with. Even if you can’t see any dust or dirt on your floors, regular vacuuming should still be part of your household cleaning routine to ensure your floors stay spick and span.  Picking out the perfect vacuum, however, can be a challenge. How can you tell which is the best one just by looking at it? To make your search a little easier, here are some of the most reliable vacuums on the market today!

SharkNinja Shark Rotator Professional Lift-Away (NV501PR) Upright

The SharkNinja Shark Rotator Professional Lift-Away is one of the best upright vacuums on the market today.  With an exceptionally large dirt holder and a long cord, this vacuum is perfect for large areas that would otherwise be hard to navigate.  This model is also ideal for homeowners, as you’ll want a quality vacuum if you’re purchasing one of the Columbus houses for sale.  The Shark Rotator Professional Lift-Away has received rave reviews from fans, who praise the model for being able to pick up dust, hair, and smaller particles that can be hard to get.

Bissell Cleanview Upright Bagless Vacuum Cleaner 1831

The Bissell Cleanview Upright Bagless Vacuum Cleaner is one of the most affordable and reliable vacuums out there.  Bissell is a brand that people have been relying on for years, so you know you’re getting a quality product when you purchase a Bissell vacuum.  Fans of this model rave about its ability to make carpets look brand new, and the vacuum is especially helpful for people with pets that shed. The Bissell Cleanview Upright Bagless Vacuum is a must-have for anyone who wants a quality vacuum without having to drop a ton of money.

Bissell Zing Bagged Canister Vacuum 4122

If you’re in the market for a lightweight, compact vacuum cleaner that still gets the job done, you’ll love the Bissell Zing Bagged Canister Vacuum.  This model is both fashionable and functional, and people who own the product praise it for being able to navigate even the tightest of spaces.  This vacuum is perfect for small apartments, as it’s easy to store and doesn’t take up much space. The Bissell Zing Bagged Canister Vacuum is an attractive, quality machine that’s worth a try if you’re in the market for a new vacuum.

Roomba i7+

While this next model may be a bit of a splurge, the Roomba i7+ is definitely worth the money.  If the idea of using a robot vacuum to clean your house seems strange, head to your local appliance store and check it out for yourself!  The Roomba i7+ makes cleaning your floors incredibly easy- just turn it on and let it do the work for you! The Roomba i7+ is the most high-tech vacuum on the market right now and worth looking into if you want a product that is going to make your life easier!

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