
Adulting Burnout And How to Deal Life Overwhelm

Photo by Claudia Barbosa from Pexels

Burnout is increasing. Some say it is even a global epidemic. Feelings of futility, lack of interest in the people we work with, lack of energy at work and at home and physical symptoms like headaches, stomaches and more are all signals that something is very wrong.

When we try to put a positive spin on our increasing dissatisfaction, we are denying our true feelings. When that happens, our bodies take over, trying desperately to signal us with a red flag to pay attention.

If this sounds like you, it’s time to make a change. Don’t let it overwhelm you. Take small steps toward a better, more fulfilling life for the sake of yourself and your loved ones. Don’t let excuses derail you, like, “What about my insurance?” There are medicare-for-all options with gaps in coverage until you land the next job or decide to get private insurance.

Decide What Makes You Feel Happy

We all have something that, no matter how bad our day is, puts a smile on our face. It could be a child’s laughter or a pet’s excited dance when you come home. It could be the satisfaction and serenity you feel when you look around your freshly cleaned home. It may be the smell of spices from cooking a meal. Maybe your zencomes from tending to plants. Whatever it is, think of that and how you can get more of it in your life. 

Pick Something You Would Do if You Could Do Anything

What was it that you secretly always wanted to do? Did you want to be a photographer or an interior decorator? When trying to remember back to your younger self and your desires at the time, don’t focus on practicality. Just remember what used to get you excited when you thought about doing that for a living. Now ask yourself if there is a job for what you identified that makes you happy. If your bliss is cooking, can you turn that into a business opportunity?

Make a Plan

Here is where the fun begins: ask yourself, “What Would It Take?” This could as simple as taking some classes or applying for a job in your dream industry. If your plan is to quit your job, don’t forget to take a look at your finances to see what you need to do in order to pay the basic living expenses in the interim. Want to travel the world? Consider putting your place on a short term rental site while you are gone in order to help finance your dream. 

Put It Into Motion

Now that you know what to do, go do it. Live your best life. 

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