
National Rainbow Baby Day Honors Pregnancy and Birth After Loss

A “rainbow baby” is a child born after a miscarriage, stillbirth, or passing away of an infant. These babies signify hope and healing after a loss. For parents, these babies are “the rainbow after the storm.”

Yesterday, August 22 was National Rainbow Baby Day and offers mothers a chance to share their experiences, grieve, reflect, and celebrate the joy for their rainbow babies.

Rainbow maternity and newborn maternity shoots are trending ways to honor an “at last” pregnancy or baby after a miscarriage, stillborn, neonatal death or infant loss.

The term is symbolic to a rainbow that appears after a storm. People are even incorporating the theme in their pregnancy and birth announcements as some examples can be seen here. There are more and more articles about couples that are capturing their rainbow journey in the media like this touching story about one woman we spotted in PEOPLE magazine last year.

Along the way, we have also spotted some wonderful and heart-warming photo shoots out there that have captured our hearts. Here are a few:

Collage above compliments of HuffPo!

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