
How to Prep Your Home for Storm Season

Whether you’re new to the Souuth or have lived there your entire life, there really is nothing quite like witnessing a Southern storm at its angriest. Between the streaks of lightning, booms of thunder and rain that falls at a slant, there is a certain majesty when you watch a storm brew.

While these storms are fascinating to behold, they can also be damaging to your home and property. Prepare your house for storm season so that the next time one comes, you need to do nothing but enjoy it!

Batten Down the Hatches

Preparing your house to take a beating from Mother Nature is no small feat. Thanks to the heavy winds coming across the Atlantic Ocean, weather-proofing your house is essential during storm season. It doesn’t matter if the home is new construction or is a brick-and-mortar house from the 1600s, the same precautions should be taken.

Prepare the Inside

Your house is protected, now you need to focus on your family. In case the power goes out for a few days, will you and your family be okay during that time?

Prepare the Outside

You need to remember your yard as part of the equation when you’re preparing for a storm. Get it as ready as you can so that less damage is done during a particularly bad one.

Any Southerner can look at the color of grey that the sky is and tell you what kind of storm is brewing. Understand the risks involved with these amazingly violent storms and prepare your home and family as best you can.

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