
How to Incorporate Art in Your Homeschooling

During the coronavirus outbreak, with a lot of schools closing, parents are home creating their own curriculum, helping their kids through online distance learning courses and working hard to keep their kids educated, entertained and engaged.

Irvin Lippman, the executive director of the Boca Raton Museum of Art, wants parents to not forget to incorporate art in their plans.

Art, culture, and creativity have always made a difference in powerful ways, especially during challenging times,” he said. “Being inspired and creative have not been canceled.”

The museum started a new series called “Keep Kids Smart with ART ‘ will be available online to help parents and their children who are home from school.

According to the National School Boards Association, kids who study art are four times more likely to be recognized for academic achievement.

Studies show that art helps kids earn higher report card grades because skills developed through art lead to better learning in other areas.

You should be encouraged to get your art education on and here as tips for parents and students on using art in your home:

Have fun and get creating!

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