
Summer Trend: The Oversized T-Shirt is Right On Time For the ‘Rona Era

Because a lot of us are not going in to work, or socializing with friends much anymore, comfort is definitely in style. So this season’s OVERSIZED shirt trend is right on time and on par with these times. And just because you aren’t going to any events because of global stay home orders, a lot more of us are actually getting out more for walks to the park, to attend drive by graduation and birthday parties and to get drinks at establishments open for sidewalk dining.

Then there are the influencers and othe social media fashionistas that just like to flex for the gram. That group usually does not include us parents but just in case you’re in that category, here are some of my fave oversized shirts and how I would style them:

Love!  Public Desire Curve oversized t-shirt with faded graphic ($23.30)

At the top of the price point is this Rolling Stones vintage-look tee featuring graphics from their 1994 Voodoo Lounge tour from Urban Outfitters for $44.

I really love a collar shirt so this Collission shirt sold on ASOS which also has a nice large pocket in the front is lovely for $32.

Grey is one of my fave colors for a t-shirt so this Vans Oversized chest logo t-shirt in gray Exclusive at ASOS is perfect for me for $31.00

So this big ole Blue Oversize Button-Up shirt is really my kind of thing because  the color pops. I can see myself tucking in the front or belting it and wearing it as a dress! And at only $26, it’s a virtual steal!

And I love shirts with messages so this large black Lola Skye t-shirt with the words “Not for Instagram” makes me smile and at just $29 and is 100% cotton.

I also love this Aaliyah t-shirt becuase I miss her and rock start shirts are always trendy. And Misguided is selling this t-shirt for only $19 right now! Hurry before they sell out!

And yes… anotehr black t-shirt. This look is kinda young but I still like it. Maybe, I’ll give it to my tween and Misguided is selling it for $13 so I can afford to check it out.

Finally, here are some more from retailers who are part of my Shopstyle collective:

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