
Germ Guardian Portable UV-C Light Sterilizer and Sanitizer for Dorms and Small Spaces {Covid-19 Era Review}

Evidence and data support the fact that UV-C light cleans and disinfects germs and bacteria within seconds of contact and therefore air purifiers that use that technologyy are a hot commodity these days.

In the mom groups I am in, those of us with college-bound kids are sending them with portable air purifiers and cell phone cleaners like Phone Soap which reminds us that hospitals and laboratories use UV light to keep their facilities sterile and so phones are perfectly fine being used in that product.

Coeds can be messy and fail to clean their rooms and let them get musty, dusty and funky and all of that can impact air quality and also create an environment that is not conducive for clear breathing.

During this coranvirus pandemic, clean and uninfected air quality become even more necessary than in previous years so it was a no brainer to hop on this bandwagon!

I ordered the Germ Guardian portable UV-C air purifier which gets tons of positive reviews on from pet owners, ashtmatics and more. According to blogger BeCalmingHaven who reviewed another version of this brand’s purifier, “UV-C lamp roasts any microorganisms in the purified air, reducing the chance of sinus and lung infection spreading from one roommate to another.”

He added: “Any sneezing or coughing produces droplets that hang in the air and infect the roommate, who then gets to reinfect you. This cycle tends to be hard to break, which is where one of these puppies come in.”

It came this weekend and I took it out of the package to test it out in the room that houses the family guinea pigs and kitchen. So far so good, but here is my initial unboxing and set up:



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