
6 Hacks to Get that Sun-Kissed Bronze Look this Summer

This summer, you don’t have to risk the dangers sun rays to get that bronzed and sun-kissed look by sunbathing for hours. There are plenty of tricks and hacks you can implore to fake it without baking yourself, compliments from our pals at SmileSimplicity.

Here are 6 easy Tips for getting that sunkissed and outdoorsy look with less the hassle:

1. Wear white and lots of it. And just as nice, you’ll feel and look cool and collected.

2. Consider a new nail polish. White isn’t the only color that will bring out your inner golden goddess. Any color that is lighter than your skin will make your

complexion look bold by comparison. Neons, corals, and golds are good choices.

3. Pile on the turquoise jewelry. This soft color pops against skin. Pastels like mint green work well too.

4. Whiten your smile. There are many tooth whitening options on the market, from whitening toothpastes and mouth rinses to in-office treatments. But why

not brighten your smile permanently with SmileSimplicity porcelain veneers? This is a new generation porcelain veneer that doesn’t require any drilling away

of sensitive tooth structure and thus no anesthesia. Bonus: this magic transformation can also correct chips, cracks and imperfections.

5. Go for the bronze: Dust a bronzer over cheekbones, but ask the makeup counter expert to help you pick your shade. Ideally, it should be no more than

two shades darker than your natural skin tone. You’re going for glow, not stripes.

5. Choose a coral lipstick and sheer gold eye shadow.

 6. Sun kiss your hair with blond streaks. Already blond? Add dimension and

contrast with some low lights.

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