
REVIEW: Bands of Moms Organized “Bad Moms” Movie Nights this Weekend

This weekend, groups of mom friends across the nation gathered en masse to see the new Mila Kunis, Kristen Bell movie Bad Moms which also stars two other of our Bellyitch Bumpwatch alums, Jada Pinkett Smith and Christina Applegate.

(Moms’ Night Outings included this one and here and even here where someone rented out the entire theater)

The film is about Amy (Kunis), a suburban mom who is married to her college sweetheart, and has two great kids including entitled son Dylan (Emjay Anthony) and an overachieving soccer star daughter, Jane (Oona Laurence) who dreams of getting into an Ivy League school even while still in Middle School.  Amy  is also married to an immature real estate mortgager who is a parenting slacker and leaves Amy to do all the work at home even though she also works part time at a trendy coffee company owned and managed by millennials. At age 32, she is the oldest worker. Oy vey!


As the film begins, Amy relays how she is overwhelmed, underappreciated and constantly late. (We can all relate, well I know I can) Amy has to also battle against meeting up to the high expectations and standards of a trio of perfect moms, led by the PTA President Gwendolyn(Applegate), the Queen B who runs the school, and her sidekick moms Stacy (Pinkett-Smith) and Vicky (Annie Mumolo).

Eventually, she just gives up on trying and befriends frazzled mousey stay-at-home mom KiKi (Bell) and single mom Carla (Kathryn Hahn), the break out star in the film and they cut up.

For a  few days, they sleep in, stop making the kids’ breakfast, skip work, go out to pubs and dance clubs and act out in a supermarket in the most hilarious scene of the film.

Michele K. Short / STX Productions

That scene is second only to (SPOILER ALERT) the one in a bathroom when Carla and KiKi preps Amy to start dating again after she and her husband take a break from her marriage and Carla uses Kiki to show Amy how to manage an uncircumcised man’s member. It is utter hilarity!

I too attended a Bad Moms outing my law school girlfriend Marcie organized. It included happy hour drinks before (which I missed but borrowed a photo from) and night of dancing at a local concert hall to an 80s cover band after. I’d dare say 98% of our theater was filled with women. There were probably several groups of mom groups out. There was lots of talking, popcorn throwing and cutting up in the theater before and the antics were aplenty.

We all agreed afterwards that we have to go see the movie again because we missed so many lines because we were laughing so hard throughout the film.

And what can you expect when the writer/director of The Hangover, Jon Lucas, was behind the film? There is plenty of raunchy and hypersexualized over-the-top slapstick humor that works and a very generous use of the F-bomb. It is rated R for a reason and you should definitely not think of taking your kids with you to see this.

Again, as I stated above, Hahn is the most memorable. Every line that comes out of her mouth elicited belly laughs. It’s because she doesn’t give a kitty about what others think, is sexually free and liberated and is that ride-or-die pal that has your back. She’s that friend from college who would hold back your pony tail while you hurl in the throne after a wild night out, but who has grown up and is now solo-parenting a 6 feet tall middle school jock kid.

Hahn steals ever scene she is in.

My girl Bell does a phenomenal job as a docile mom with a controlling husband who eventually grows some cohones and stands up to him by the end of the movie. She delivers some zingers that are effective because they are unexpected but delivered with perfect comedic timing.

The movie climaxes as Amy decides to compete with Gwendolyn for PTA President after Gwendolyn does something that negatively impacts Jane.

The movie is The Hangover meets Mean Girls.  It has the usual comedy movie tropes but it is successful.

I recommend you get your mom pals together and organize your own Bad Moms movie outing. The last time I attended a movie that got so many groups of women out was when Sex and The City movie came out. I wasn’t a fan of Fifty Shades so I missed all the Fifty Shades movie night outings.

But Bad Moms is definitely a must-see! Fun times!

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