
Study: Gestational Diabetes Becoming More Common among Expectant Women

Gestational diabetes is a lot more common among pregnant women than years before but the upside is that more is being done to ensure moms-to-be manage it better.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the prevalence may be as high as 9.2 percent of pregnancies, and is higher in women of minority groups, women of Hispanic, African, Asian, Native American, and Pacific Island ancestry.

The good news is that most women with gestational diabetes go on to have a successful pregnancy and to deliver a healthy baby. Remember if ever there is a time to be informed about and follow a healthy diet this is that time. The mother’s health and the baby’s normal development depend on it!

So what is gestational diabetes? According to the NIH – National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, it is a type of diabetes that develops only during pregnancy and usually disappears after delivery. Screening for occurrence for women without known risk is recommended between 24-28 weeks of pregnancy. Where there is clear risk, screening should be at the first prenatal doctor visit.

Focus for mother and baby when gestational diabetes is diagnosed is consistent, carefully management of blood sugars. Uncontrolled blood sugar levels heighten problems during the gestation term for mother and baby. Increased probability of a C-section delivery and even fetal death either before or shortly after birth are extreme complications of gestational diabetes.

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