
Say What? Meghan Markle Is Really This Far Along in Pregnancy?

Say what? Duchess Meghan is actually further along in her pregnancy than reported? That’s what one Australian news outlet and a few others are speculating.

It all stems from an afternoon reception on Tuesday that the Duke and Duchess of Sussex attended at Admiralty House. The former Miss Markle was photographed doting over British singer Missy Higgins‘ 9-week old baby Luna. Afterwards, Higgins posted the photo with a caption suggesting the Duchess is 20 weeks along, not 12 weeks as reported this week.

“What an honour to meet the beautiful Duchess today! She was such a sweetheart,” Higgins captioned the meeting. “I said I felt sorry for her having to do all these meet-and-greets while 4 months pregnant! What a trooper. Prince Harry was gorgeous too, a real charmer. He squeezed Luna’s legs and said “who’s this little cutie?” Looking forward to telling Luna she slept through it all one day.”

The newlyweds are on their first Diplomatic and Royal tour together this week in Australia.

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