
Vitamins to Take At Every Age


Vitamins are essential in our daily routine, but how do you know what you should be taking in your 20’s compared to your 40’s, or 60’s? Dr. Christopher Calapai D.O., a New York-based Osteopathic Physician board-certified in family and anti-aging medicine, is sharing his top recommendations for vitamins you should be taking through the generations:

 ·       Your 20’s –In our 20’s, we’re super active, so Vitamin B is really important. Vitamin B will keep you energized throughout the day and prevent you from crashing. Vitamin C is another important vitamin that will boost your immune system and slow down the skin’s aging process.

 ·       Your 30’s – Our 30’s require a lot of vitamin D, which helps strengthen bones and keep your teeth healthy. Vitamin D deficiencies can cause health issues such as bone abnormalities and increased bone tenderness, which can lead to osteomalacia. This is especially important in the winter months as Vitamin D levels from the sun are harder to absorb.

 ·       Your 40’s – Once you reach 40, be sure to get a lot of calcium and potassium. You should also be taking a multivitamin daily. A multivitamin helps with memory loss and lowers the chance of cancer.

 ·       Your 50’s – In our 50’s, Omega 3 is a key vitamin in your 50’s since it lowers blood pressure and prevents heart disease. There are three types of Omega-3’s, one being DHA, that improves eye health. These fatty acids can also fight off inflammation in the body.

 ·       Your 60’s – Come 60, Vitamin B12 is known to keep nerve and blood cells at its healthiest, while also preventing anemia, making you tired or weak. Iron maintains healthy muscle function as well, so this is a must.

Be healthy!

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