
Eco Friday: How to Have a Plant-Based Vegan Pregnancy the Healthy Way {Plus Book Recommendations}

I’m one of those off ramp/on ramp vegans and currently I am just vegetarian, but for each of my pregnancies I didn’t dare stay away from dairy or meat because I feared iron deficiency knowing that baking a baby requires even more iron than normal.

Also, the fat from dairy, I thought was needed.

But for people who have been completely vegan for at least a decade straight, is it possible to have a healthy pregnancy while vegan?

The Examiner’s: The Vegan RD , Virginia Messina offered these tips for a Vegan Pregnancy recently:

Pregnant vegans can meet nutrient needs by following just a few simple guidelines:

Talk to your doctor about the need for a supplement of the omega-3 fat DHA. The jury is still out on whether pregnant women need these supplements, but vegan versions are available.

Finally, here are some Vegan pregnancy books to get you started:

heck them out:

The Kind Life

The Whole 9 Months: A Week-By-Week Pregnancy Nutrition Guide with Recipes for a Healthy Start  by Jennifer Lang MD

Disease-Proof Your Child by Joel Fuhrman

Skinny Bitch Bun in the Oven by Rory Freedman

Creating Healthy Children by Karen Ranzi

Feeding Baby Green by Alan Greene

Rawsome by Brigitte Mars

Happy Healthy Pregnancy!

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