
Why You Should Be Following Blac Chyna on Snapchat

Second-time mom-to-be Blac Chyna is a pure pleasure to follow on Snapchat.

She’s a great cook and shares some of her conventional and not-so-conventional out-of-the-box dishes and recipes with her followers. TMZ and other online sites have even scrubbed some and reported about them.

She also is a hoot when she is playing around with the various filters, especially the ones that alter the voice. And of course, being that she is pregnant and all, she is also keen on displaying bump progression shots. There is also plenty of that in between the other things.  Like you’ll spot some inside moments with her fiance Rob Kardashian. 

Once in a while, you may see playful moments with King, her 3-year son with rapper Tyga. (who if you don’t know, is dating her future sister in law Kylie Jenner)

If you get a chance, check her out on Snap! You’ll be glad you did!

Even Bustle says she’s a great follow!

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