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10 Winter outdoor play tips

With rising childhood obesity rates and the increasing illnesses that accompany a sedentary lifestyle, it’s no secret that kids should be encouraged to get outside and engage in active play. As the lower temperatures approach, so does cold and flu season, which can be greatly exacerbated when kids are held indoors where germs can easily be spread through respiratory droplets and exhalations. Keeping kids safe while they’re out in the cold, however, is an absolute necessity. The following guidelines can help you ensure that your kids’ activity levels don’t suffer at the onset of winter and that they stay safe until the spring thaw rolls around.
  1. Use Sunscreen – Protecting kids’ skin from the damaging rays of the sun is a major priority for most parents and caregivers during the summer months, but one that often falls to the wayside when temperatures cool down. In fact, the reflection of the sun off of snow and ice can be almost as damaging as direct exposure. Make sure that your youngsters are slathered with sunscreen before they hit the outdoors.
  3. Waterproof Clothing is Key – Keeping kids warm during the winter chill relies heavily upon your ability to keep them dry. Melting ice and snow can leave most fabrics wet, soggy and very cold. Make sure that you invest in some waterproof or water-resistant clothing and shoes, especially proper boots.
  5. Know the Signs of Frostbite – Frostbite occurs when your child’s skin or extremities are literally frozen. The nose, ears, fingers, cheeks and toes are most commonly affected, and it can be quite dangerous when these extremities suffer from frostbite. Signs of superficial frostbite include itching, numbness, tingling or burning sensations. The affected skin may become white, flushed, yellow or blue and appear frozen, and will be cold to the touch.
  7. Dress for Success – Just because your kids are bundled against the cold doesn’t necessarily mean that they’re wearing safe clothing. Hoods and hats don’t take the place of helmets for activities like biking or skating, while tight clothing that restricts movement can present a danger as it inhibits kids’ ability to move and balance properly. Be sure that your brood is dressed appropriately for outdoor play, not just for cold temperatures.
  9. Insist on Warm-Up Breaks – When kids are enjoying themselves and are particularly absorbed in an activity, it’s easy for them to lose track of time. That’s why it’s important for you to insist on periodic warm-up breaks to check for signs of hypothermia or frostbite and ensure that they don’t get too cold.
  11. Keep Ice Skating Safe – Ice skating is a beloved, time-honored cold-weather outdoor activity. It can also be quite dangerous, though. Public areas designated for ice skating are far safer than ponds or bodies of water on your own property, which may not be thoroughly frozen and could crack under kids’ weight. Be sure that any ice your children are going to skate on is frozen solid, and that they’re wearing the right protective gear.
  13. Smart Sledding – Racing down a snow-covered hill on a sled is one of life’s great thrills, even for adults. Kids love sledding, but it’s important that they understand the basic safety rules before setting out. Sledding down hills that terminate near a road, down paths that have obstacles like jumps, rocks or bumps, or down icy slopes are all sledding safety no-nos. Kids should also never be pulled on sleds behind moving vehicles of any kind.
  15. Don’t Forget About Dehydration – Dehydration isn’t a concern reserved solely for warm-weather months. While your children are enjoying a session of outdoor play, be sure that they’re taking in plenty of fluids.
  17. Scarf Safety – Scarves are useful tools for protecting against the cold, as they can be wrapped around almost any part of the body that feels cold. However, they can also become ensnared in moving parts of toys or overhanging branches, closed in doors, or otherwise tangled in a manner that presents a strangulation risk. It’s better to opt for cowl-style scarves until kids are a bit older and less rambunctious.
  19. Double-Check Equipment – Making sure that any equipment for outdoor play, whether new or old, is in good condition, fits properly and is otherwise suitable for use before sending kids outside with it. Damaged or broken equipment can very easily cause injuries, especially if kids are using them improperly to compensate for the damage.
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Dad whose wife died after quadruplets delivery will raise babies alone

New dad to quadruplets Carlos Morales has the most heart-wrenching story of the week.
“I went from having the best day of my life,” speaking about the January 15, 2015 birth of his four children, “to the next morning experiencing the worst day of my life.”
His wife since 2007, Erica, died of excessive blood loss during the C-section delivery and never got a chance to even hold the babies she and Carlos wanted so badly to have. The couple had endured miscarriage and IVF to conceive the children.
Erica Morales pregnant with the quads.
Fortunately, the three girls and one boy, born at only 7 months gestation at between 2 to 3 pounds each, are all healthy.
Morales is left to raise them alone.  Before the birth, he and Erica hadn’t decided on what to name one of the girls and fittingly, after Erica’s death, Morales chose to give that child her mom’s name.
The one she will never get to meet. How utterly sad. 
A GOFUNDME page has been created to help Morales cope with the cost of raising his babies. As of this posting, it has raised $228, 000 of its $500,000 goal.
Read the complete story at PEOPLE.
photo courtesy Carlos Morales
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Study: Breastfed babies have lower arsenic exposure than bottle fed ones

Babies who are breastfed have lower arsenic exposure than babies who are fed formula, according to a new study.

The powder and water used to make the baby formula may be sources of arsenic, which occurs naturally in the environment and in large doses is linked to serious health problems, the researchers write in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives.

It’s not clear, however, whether the low levels of arsenic exposure in the study will turn out to be harmful, the researchers say.

Parents who need to use formula to feed their infants shouldn’t feel badly about the new findings, said Kathryn Cottingham, one of the study’s lead authors. Instead, they should pay attention to the water they’re using to make baby formula.

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Hilaria Baldwin shares Pre-Natal Yoga tips on TODAY

If you didn’t know, YOGA and PILATES have a beef going on. Yup, you’re either a Yoga person or a Pilates person and if you’re in a class with a distinguishing instructor, you may hear a slam against yoga in a pilates class, and vice versa.
I’m a Pilates person, but I was delighted to see second time mom-to-be and past Bellyitch interview subject Hilaria Baldwin drop in to chat with TODAY‘s Hoda and Kathie Lee recently. The celebrity yoga instructor and personal trainer talked a bit about her family, hubby Alec Baldwin and pregnancy. She also shared some boss yoga tips for moms-to-be who want to stay fit but maybe cannot get to a gym. 

Check it:

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Parent Invention: ‘Baby Shusher’ helps soothe a crying newborn

Parents are the best inventors for much needed products.

New mom and dad Chad and Katie Zunker were desperate for a hands-free tool to soothe their crying infant when holding her was not possible, like while traveling in the car or out and about. She was a bit on the collicky side and seemed to cry incessantly.

That’s when the Austin, Texas couple used a technique they read in one of the endless parenting books they had purchased while pregnant. Katie “shusssshed” into a tape recorder and then placed the recording near their daughter Anna when she’d get fussy and she’d calm down immediately.  After some friends asked for the same concept, the two went to prototype a commercial device and the Shusher was born!

The doctor-tested tool mimics the sounds of the womb. The product’s rhythmic shushing engages a baby’s natural calming reflex and reminds her or him of inside the womb, where there is a constant inundation of sounds form blood flow and other in utero noises.

Ingenious! Probably great for a brand new baby still getting used to this world.

It cost $34.99 alone and $49.99 for a gift set kit on their website.

Consider getting one for your new baby! I did NOT get one to review and test out so I can not attest for whether it will work or not but you can check out this video the makers tout is an example of it working in action:

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How to get your ‘Date Night’ groove back

Today’s modern parents aren’t prioritizing their romance any longer.  According to a Care.com poll, more than 1 in 3 parents said that their last date night was so long ago…they don’t even remember when it happened.  In fact, Care.com also found that nearly half of parents said they took less than three date nights in 2014 (15% took zero!).

Couples that have children need to make dating one another a priority. So if running an errand together was the closest thing to a date night you’ve had in a while, then it’s time to bring back date night.

Schedule  it in: 

Just like you schedule your kid’s soccer practice and play dates, it’s important to schedule (and prioritize!) a date night to reconnect with your partner. By physically entering it into your calendar, it’s more likely to happen too. You So start by having the conversation. Sit down and say, we need this. I need this. I think it can make us an even stronger couple to get out of the house without the distraction of laundry.. And Shark Tank!

Spice and Mix it Up: 

According to recent studies on the longevity of romantic love, couples need to do something novel to keep things spicy.So instead of the typical dinner and a movie, think about going art gallery hopping and guessing what that abstract really means. Or take advantage of all the New Year gym deals and get creative with a cardio class…after all, someone’s bound to be sore the next day and that’s a great excuse for a massage.

Of course, if you haven’t gone out in a while, start w a restaurant you are dying to try. And then work your way up to double dates and more unique outings.

Quick Date Night Suggestions: 

Some alone time is better than never having any alone time! So if you need to rush back home to your little ones, there are a bunch of different ways to have a “quickie date night”.

Consider making just a date night dessert run to your local cupcake shop to satisfy your sweet tooth and to have some quality one-on-one time. It’s the perfect way to cap night.

We get it – you want to rush home after work to your kids. But sometimes, it’s important to take a moment to spend some time with your partner before getting back to the chaos of little ones. After work, consider doing a “happy hour” (or even “happy half hour”) at a local wine bar to catch up on the day. Bonus – you get to spend some QT on the commute home.

After the kids are tucked in bed, resist plopping on the couch and watching TV! Instead, open a bottle of wine and catch up on the day’s highlights now that there’s some quiet in the house. You can even try your hand at a puzzle as a soothing activity before bed.

Another great idea is to hit the road. Whether it’s a walk around the neighborhood, visiting a local park or hiking a trail, being outdoors can have a refreshing impact on your relationship. Bonus? You burn calories too!

Guest post by Katie Bugbee, Care.com Senior Managing Editor & Global Parenting Expert

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How celebrities hide their tattoos, birthmarks & stretchmarks on the Red Carpet

Some women love their tattoos but when they have to attend an upscale event they may not want to expose them and have them distract from the dress. 
Same for those wanting to capture their pregnant belly for a maternity portrait but want to conceal a stretched out tattoo on the belly. Finally, there are some who want to wear midriff-bearing tops but want to conceal stretchmarks from pregnancy.
Fortunately, there are lots of beauty product manufacturers that produce  quality and top notch body make up and cover up. Here is a great tutorial for light skin and another HERE for darker skin. 
Here are some our faves that some of our bloggers have used for weddings, red carpet events, photo shoots, and other events.

What Celebrity moms are up to on Instagram

What are some of the celebrity mothers we’ve profiled here on Bellyitch are up to these days? A good place to keep track of their ups and downs and projects is by checking in on them in Instagram where they freely share pics and other updates like Eva Marcille above who recently won a battle with her ex Kevin McCall over their 1-year old adorable daughter Marley. Here she is looking effortlessly chic while driving in her ride somewhere. 
What else? We stalkfollow them so you don’t have to!
Gwen Stefani recently visited Qatar 
Beyonce too is/was in Asia & took some time off to hit her computer and look stylish while doing so.

 The Wests’: Kim Kardashian West, Nori West & Kanye West visited the zoo. Awwww!

Nicole Richie was in a hijab the same week as World Hijab Day while scouting for fabric for her fashion line

Alicia Keys and hubby Swizz Beatz were having their first date after the birth of their second son: Rollerskating! How fun!

Drew Barrymore was playing the part of Baby from Dirty Dancing for pal Jimmy Fallon‘s lip sync battle with Will Ferrell and Kevin Hart.


  Ciara was showing off her cute cherubic son, Future to her fans and followers whilst barefooted.

Kerry Washington looked absolutely beautiful while promoting a book charity drive for FirstBook.Org.

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Chasing The Duggars: The Bates from ‘Bringing up Bates’ are expecting the 20th child in the family

So the other TV family with 19 kids also has a family member expecting a baby. 
This January 1, The Bates family, consisting of dad Gil, mom Kelly Jo and their 19 children, ages 2 to 25, got their own reality TV show on UPTV after appearing on several episodes of TLC‘s 19 and Counting.

The show, Bringing Up Bates, premiered this January 1 and featured a storyline where the oldest daughter Erin, and her husband, Chad Paine, discovered that they miscarried their first child. However, since that airing, the couple has gong on to conceive again.
Erin shared a sonogram of her baby on her Instagram account this weekend.  She wrote:

I’m so glad and relieved that last night’s episode has finally aired! Chad and I have been waiting to share our big news with the rest of the world for quite some time now. The news is true! Chad and I are having a baby! To say that we are thrilled would be such an understatement. 😉 We can hardly contain our excitement as we prepare to be parents. As many of you know, starting a family.

As we reported before, over at The Duggars household, their eldest daughter Jill announced last October that she and her husband Derrick Dillard are expecting their first child. This will be the 4th of 5 grandchildren in the family because Josh Duggar and his wife Anna have 3 kids and announced this past December that they are expecting their fourth child. Jessa Duggar just got engaged to her beau Ben Seewald last August.  
It looks in the production of children competition, the Duggars are pulling ahead! ha!

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Trend Alert: Swap parties let moms get new wardrobe for FREE!

Bellyitch Rewind
A few years ago, during the early stages of the worldwide downturn in the global economy, a new trend emerged where women of various age ranges and demographics would get together and exchange clothes, accessories, shoes, coats and more. Swap parties were all the rage because they were a very easy way to get a new wardrobe of gently worn clothes for FREE! It’s a great place to get transition clothes too for new moms working on getting back down to their pre-pregnancy size.
I attended my second swap party this weekend after scoring BIG during my first one this past spring.  Before attending, I went through my drawer, closets and storage containers and assembled a barrel of clothes and accessories I don’t wear any longer, don’t think will fit me or I haven’t been able to make work in my wardrobe fashion-wise. About a dozen of  us met at a mutual friend’s home. We arranged clothes by season, style and garment.  There was a pile of work pants, a pile of party tops, a clothes rack for dresses and coats, a section for shoes and handbags etc. Some items came with the price tags still attached. You know how women tend to purchase items and then never wear them ever and they just hang out in their closet for months or years?

It was great that all the women made sure to bring their top designer or high quality clothes and items that they managed to maintain in tip top condition. I saw Christian Dior saddle bags, Cole Haan boots, and a variety of other fab pieces I had my eye on and prayed would fit me and still be around during my turn to pick.
The way it works is we drew numbers and took turns going around the room and selected several pieces to try on and got to keep one item until the next round when we could get two items. The final rounds were a free for all.  It was better than shopping at a consignment shop or a thrift store because even at those places you have to pay something, even if it is a steeply discounted something.
It made me happy to see others delight in my beloved garments. I didn’t but could’ve brought along all of my fab expensive maternity designer clothes that I purchased for my pregnancies for one particular mom-to-be who was nice enough to send all of her exquisite Kate Spades, Jimmy Choos and Nine West boots that she could no longer fit and decided would not wear after her feet got swollen during her last two pregnancies.  Too bad no one could fit in her tiny size 5 1/2 -6 feet.  
Boy did I clean up. I got:

  • A tweed cropped jacket by Zara
  • A suede trenchcoat by Guess
  • A corduroy faux fur collar and cuff lined coatjacket by Zara
  • A grey corduroy blazer by Tulle
  • A black wool coat by Banana Republic
  • A cream-colored pashmina
  • A pair of purple fishnets
  • A pair of mauve patent leather ballet shoes by MeToo
  • A low back black and gold patterened peasant top by Guess
  • A patterened minidress by BCBG Maxazria
  • A pair of boot cut denim jeans by GAP
  • Black running pants by Nike
  • Brown pinstripe slacks by Banana Republic
  • Plum colored cappe sleeve turtleneck by French Connection
  • A silk blend brown and tan striped turtleneck by Banana Republic
  • A handcrafted cloth hobo resort bag with wooden handle and accents
  • A tomato colored button down chunky cardigan by Tulle
All for FREE!

The key is to get women in varying sizes with similar style aesthetic as you and from different social circles together. Keep it intimate so you’re not there forever waiting to go around. You’re bound to come home with a big bag of great new clothes and your husband won’t cringe over your shopping bill because there won’t be one!
I highly recommend swap parties to circles of friends who want a new wardrobe for 100% off!  Guests can bring wine, desserts and drinks for the host and a good time can be had by all. You never can go wrong with free! 

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