I just realized this weekend that the blog has returned to the Alltop.com category for Pregnancy. Alltop.com is one of the first websites that was focused on curating the top news and information from all the top sites around the web. Nowadays, content curation is big and everyone is doing it, but Alltop, founded by former Apple evangelist and New York Times and Wall Street Journal best seller Guy Kawasaki did it first.
The blog was on it for several years in the pregnancy category. The top 6 most popular stories of all the stories in each category get to be featured a Bellyitch post often was number one, each day.
At some point, we dropped to the number 2 spot and then eventually fell off the list altogether. I’m not sure if was during a time when the blog got hacked and was offline for a while or when it moved from one blog platform to another, but it was sudden and inexplainable.
It was devastating for me because being on Alltop gave the blog some added credibility (and traffic). I proudly posted the button on the blog. I re-submitted it for consideration and never hear back and just gave up.
I’m not sure how it landed on that site in the first place. Did someone submit my blog? Did the founders and folks who run the site discover it on their own. Who knows.

So it was quite a delight to accidentally stumble upon it once again to see Bellyitch occupying the featured blog post area again. I’m putting my button back too!

Happy happy ! Joy Joy!
Ok….back to the regularly scheduled blog posts we go.
Oh I also got honored as one of the Top 30 Mom Bloggers of 2016 by Maternity Glow! Woot!
Yay us! Thanks for the support and being loyal readers and followers!