A new docu- series explores the inside of one of Britain’s most posh hospital for delivering a baby who will be born rich, The Portland Hospital.
BBC Two interviews the women who spend up to £30,000 or $60,000 US to deliver at a hospital that serves lobster and champagne to new moms in the comforts of their private suite. Consider that the average cost to deliver a baby in the UK is just £2800 (or $4,000)
The documentary, “Five Star Babies“, follows, among others, Lui Hu, a fashion label founder who is married to wealthy shipping tycoon. In the feature, Hu says she delivered at The Portland Hospital because Victoria Beckham had her babies there. Kate Winslet and Jerry Hall also delivered there.
Hu described Portland as more “like a five-star holiday than giving birth to her first child.”
And the Hospital’s leadership makes no qualms about being considered the hospital for the rich, powerful and famous.

“We have princesses from the middle east who deliver here quite regularly. We have celebrities and individuals of very high net worth and they used to getting what they want.” Portland Hospital CEO Janene Madden told The Mirror. “And if they want 10 additional rooms or 20 additional rooms we will provide it. As long as that woman or husband can pay for what they are requesting we will do our best to provide that.”
Moms-to-be and new moms get private consultants and extra tests and screenings, more than what is available to the average pregnant woman.
“You get to use the nursery, your baby is only brought back for feeding time, so after two or three nights here you leave here feeling really fit and well and ready to face this challenge as a new mum,” Madden added. “It’s how it should be.”
Catch the Docu-Series on BBC Two!