Remember when we posted about how our Bellyitch Bumpwatch alums Chelsea Clinton and Ivanka Trump were still good friends despite the fact that their respective parents were going against each other head to head for the job of US President?
Well, it looks like things may start to get personal.
During a Facebook Live event on Tuesday, July 25, Glamour Editor in Chief Cindi Leiv pinned Chelsea down on her friendship with Ivanka and tested it a bit, egging her on to criticize Ivanka’s dad Donald Trump, CBS News reports.
“So you and Ivanka are friendly, I know,” Leiv asked. “if you got to ask her a question about how her father would do that, what would it be?”
Chelsea had a quick answer! “It would be that question: ‘How would your father do that?'”
“Given it’s not something that he has spoken about, there are no policies on any of those fronts that you just mentioned on his website — not last week, not this week,” she said. “So I think the ‘how’ question is super important. In politics as it is in life.”
“So it really matters to me that my mom in this election consistently has told you how she is going to do everything,” Clinton continued. “Whether that’s on gun control or protecting a woman’s right to choose or any of the things we’ve talked about. She also tells you how she’s going to pay for it.”
“It’s something I hope would matter to that traditional Republican voter,” the former first daughter said, before adding that Trump’s plans could add trillions of dollars to the national debt. “Social progress should also come with social responsibility and fiscal responsibility.”
Game on!
Last week, Ivanka gave an amazing speech that trumpeted the importance of women’s rights and options. She didn’t announce that she was a Republican and a lot of Democrats and Independents actually resonated and agreed with Ivanka. Some asked why she wasn’t the one running for President instead of her dad.
Watch Ivanka’s powerful and impassioned speech, the best of the convention, in our opinion, here.