I stumbled upon this very well written article published last Spring in Women’s Day, titled, “10 Things You should Never Say to your Kids.” Seeing as how I’m guilty of uttering more than one of these offenses, I read author Denise Shapani‘s explanations of each and they make complete sense! Very insightful stuff. Now the challenge is to remember these lessons and resist the urge to repeat the offensive utterances. Oy!
The list of the ten are:
1. “I know you can try harder.”
2. “Are you sure you need that second cupcake?”
3. “You always…” or “You never…”
4. “Why can’t you be more like your sister/brother?”
5. “I told you waiting until the last minute was a mistake!”
6. “You’re the best at soccer!”
7. “Don’t worry—the first day of school will be fine.”
8. “Because I said so!”
9. “I wish you didn’t hang out with Jack; I don’t like that kid.”
10. “That’s not how you do it! Here, let me.”
Head over to Women’s Day to read Shapani’s reasoning for each HERE!
photo: Thinkstock