Celebrities get “Mommy Shamed” for every. little. thing. they. do! It comes with the territory of having millions of followers, being socially influential and having humans with all sorts of opinions following your every move!
Recently, brand new first-time moms to baby girls, Gabrielle Union and Kenya Moore Daly were warned about kissing their own newborns! Yup!
(There and Pro and Cons schools of thought on this issue)
(Also previously shamed for kissing a child on the lips in in social media: Amber Rose, Kourtney Kardashian, Dads David Beckham and Union’s husband Dwayne Wade, Olivia Wilde and Hillary Duff)
Union shared a video which got all the heat but she chose to reply to them, writing, in a subsequent post including a video of her daughter Kaavia James being examined by the doctor who gave a clean bill of health:
Cant stop, won’t stop. ???@kaaviajames ?
Here’s a guide for happily enjoying my posts of our family. Trust that she is surrounded by medical and child care specialists. Know she is safe and watched closely at all times. Trust that I won’t post anything that puts my child in danger or opens me up to unsolicited online medical or parenting opinions ? @kaaviajames is loved. She will be kissed. She will be loved on by the people that love her. She will be safe. If and when I have questions (as a new mom I have tons) I will not hesitate to ask my online community for help and suggestions. But yall have never known me to hold my tongue so trust that I will ask for help. Sometimes publicly and sometimes privately. Its OK that every parent does things differently to suit their child’s needs. Every solution that works or worked for you may or may not work for me or my family or other folks. And that’s absolutely OK. If someone does things differently or does not take your advise or that advise doesnt pan out the way it did for you, that is NO indication that you are wrong or a bad parent. We all figure out what works for us, our children and our families. We dont all have to match. It’s ok to break from the norm and do what’s healthiest and safest for your child. No one is in your house or your family but YOU. We dont all need to be clones of each other to be doing OK. The goal is for us all to have happy healthy families and that journey looks different for every family. Let’s embrace that. Let’s get comfortable with that. Someone doing something different than us does not make us bad people or bad parents. Breathe and enjoy. There will be no mommy shaming on this page. I rebuke mommy shaming. For those STILLLLL clinging onto your fears about Kaav’s breathing and or whether my sweet kisses harmed my kid…feel free to swipe.
Moore just ignore them and let her fans clap back over criticism of her kissing her infant, Brooklyn Doris.