If you’re planning an upcoming journey on an airplane, you probably want to know what to wear on the journey.
This is particularly true if it’s your first time flying, and you want to make sure that you are comfortable, make a good impression, and don’t do anything to embarrass yourself!
There are certain guidelines with regards to not only appropriate behaviour on a plane, but what one should or shouldn’t wear.
Here are five things you should never wear on a plane:
It isn’t a life or death situation if you forget this rule and apply perfume before boarding. However, you really should avoid wearing perfume on a plane. This guideline is more about being considerate of other people, than it is a fashion faux pas.
Wearing strong fragrances in the vicinity of other people during a flight will make their flying experience less enjoyable. Mainstream commercial airlines have hardly any space between seats and passengers, particularly in the economy section.
Your floral fragrance will be memorable, for all the wrong reasons. Think about it: have you ever encountered or even walked past someone who is wearing strong perfume or aftershave? It might smell nice as it wafts through the air during your momentary encounter, but imagine being immersed in it for hours and hours in close proximity. It’s simply about considering other people, really. Be selfless: go au naturel. However, don’t hold off on antiperspirant if your ‘au naturel’ might be the pungent smell of body odour!

Clothes That Are Too Tight
Many of these guidelines should be common sense, but you’d be surprised how many people prioritize vanity and style over practicality. Another thing you should never wear on a plane is anything that is too tight.
This might be a tightly-buttoned blouse, or a pair of skinny jeans that you have to squeeze yourself into. Alternatively, it could be a bodycon dress or a pair of tights that are a size too small. Oh, and don’t forget corsets! Now, why anyone would wear a corset on a plane is beyond me, but you never know!
As a general rule, any clothing item that hinders your breathing or leaves you feeling trapped is a no-go. During flight, the changes in altitude cause swelling on certain parts of your body, including your feet, so you need to wear light and loose fabrics that allow your skin to breathe.
If you’re already struggling to move in your too-tight clothing, you’re not going to have a fun time trying to get comfortable on the plane. Be sensible: avoid tight clothing.
Inappropriate or Offensive Clothing
Having your cleavage hanging out or wearing offensive slogans on a shirt are examples of inappropriate or offensive clothing. Traveling on a plane is not an exercise in showing other passengers your curvaceous body or your interesting political views.
Like wearing perfume, it is highly inconsiderate, and could get you a lot of angry glares or whispered comments.
Anonymity is key: keep your outfit simple, and like a wallflower, fade into the background. This is not the time for you to be giving your Oscar speech.

Uncomfortable Shoes
You might be really excited about your upcoming flight, and want to look great for boarding the plane. However, plane journeys are not fashion shows, and you will have a much more pleasant flight if you sacrifice your keen fashion sense for an outfit that is more practical.
One of the aspects you should be thinking about in this regard is to wear comfortable shoes. If you are a lover of high heels and exotic designs, you might not even own a pair of shoes that could be called practical or comfortable.
However, you should really think about investing in a pair of flats with cushioned soles for air travel. Believe me, you’ll thank me once you’ve reached your destination.
Uncomfortable shoes should never be worn on a plane because your feet are going to be sore, and you will likely be in pain while airborne. Due to the swelling mentioned above, make sure you wear a pair of shoes that allow your feet some breathing space in preparation for the higher altitudes.
This way, you’ll be less fidgety in your seat and can enjoy the view out the window or your new book instead.
Long Dresses or Maxi Skirts
Finally, you should never wear long dresses or maxi skirts (or dresses) on a plane. This is actually more about before and after boarding the plane.
When you wear clothes that can potentially hide a lot underneath, you’re going to get a lot more unwanted attention at the security areas.
Long dresses or skirts are simply not a smart choice, and the last thing you want is to be searched for a longer time than the average person. Choose loose pants and a simple blouse instead.
Above are five things you should never wear on a plane. Remember these, and your next plane journey will go by a lot more smoothly. Enjoy your flight!